Friday, October 23, 2009


Doraemon (in Nobita's room [with Nobita lazying around], looking sadly at a half-eaten dorayaki []): This is the last bite. It won't be long before I eat this and farwell to the dorayaki. (Doraemon has an idea and reaches into his 4-D pocket) Right, right. (Pulls out a remote control) The "Any-Video-Style Remote Control". (Shows Nobita) After I finish the dorayaki, push this rewind button and point this small window (on the remote) at me. (Doraemon finishes the dorayaki. Nobita aims the remote at him and pushes the rewind button. The half eaten dorayaki comes back out and into his hands)
Nobita: Wha, you're back to before you ate.
Doraemon (finishes Dorayaki): I eat again.
Nobita: I push again. (Dorayaki comes out again)
Doraemon: So many times yet I am able to eat.
Nobita: Interesting. What is this?
Doraemon: It's like a video tape recorder in that it speeds up, slows down, rewind and stops the movement of things. Let's try an experiment. (Doraemon throws a bar of soap in the air, then points the remote at the soap). Slow!
Nobita: Wha, the soap bar looks like it's taking its time.
Doraemon (pointing remote at soap): Stop!
Nobita: It stopped!!
Doraemon (pointing remote at soap): Rewind! (Ball of soap goes back into Doraemon's hands)
Nobita: F-U-N! Lend it to me!
Doraemon (puts remote into pocket and runs away from Nobita because this is an all too familar scene): You're still going to play no good tricks...
Nobita: I'll use it for good things!
Doraemon: Like what?
Nobita: Like...homework! When I don't do homework, I always get scolded. And doing homework takes up too much time and I'm fed up with that.
Doraemon (aims remote at Nobita doing homework at his desk): I push fast.
Nobita (finishes his homework and shows Doraemon): There, I did it. This is a good thing.
Doraemon:...good thing, huh?
Mom (yelling from downstairs which probably isn't a good thing): NOBI-CHAN!!
Nobita: The tone of that voice sounds pretty bad. When it starts, it's going to be long.

(The next panel is Nobita getting yelled at by mom) Look at this. Help Doraemon.
Doraemon (points remote at Mom): Fast
(Mom is scolding at Nobita at full speed while Nobita is laughing it off) What change, I do not know. (After scolding, walks off with Doraemon and his remote) Now, we will use this for good only.
Doraemon: I don't think that degree is your usual self. (Follows Nobita outside)
Nobita: Why are you following me?
(Outside, a man carrying a big bag trips and the bag falls)
Nobita (pointing remote at man): Stop!! (Man and bag are frozen in the air) Rewind! (Man is back standing with the bag in his arms)
Man: Thank you, thank you. This is a very important vase.
Doraemon: Huh. Maybe you're changing a new leaf (leaves).
Nobita (runs away): Now for some pranks. (He hasn't really changed)

Nobita sees Suneo sitting at the park drawing.
Suneo: I did it! After watching for so long, my drawing is good.
Nobita (points remote at Suneo): Rewind the speed! (Suneo's drawing disappears)
Suneo: WHA! IT'S BLANK! (Chases after a smug-looking Nobita) I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!!
Nobita (points remote at Suneo): Stop! (Suneo freezes and looks surprised) In a while, you'll be able to move.
(Nobita then sees Gian with a broken plate in his backyard)
Gian: I broke this plate. It will be hard times if Mom sees this. Must be skillfull...(starts burrying the plate in the dirt)
Gian's Mom: Takeshi!
Gian (just finished burrying and in a small voice): What is it, Mom?
Gian's Mom (goes outside to Gian): Have you seen the plate?
Nobita (from behind the wall): Rewind.
(Gian is digging back up/undigging the plate. Both Gian and his mom looks very confused until the broken plate is brought back up)
Gian:うおゃちめう. だんへいたらたかったつみ。
(Gian's mom, who is bigger than him, starts beating him, while Nobita walks away laughing. Gian sees him walking off) NOBITA! I'LL REMEMBER THIS!
(Nobita runs into Shizu-chan)
Nobita: Shizu-chan, wanna play?
Shizu-chan: I'm busy with errands. (The wind blows Shizu-chan's skirt up. Shizu-chan puts it back and continues walking) Darn wind.
Nobita (with a dirty look and pointing the remote at her): One more time.
(Shizu-chan walks back to where she was and her skirts flies up again. She runs after Nobita) One more time?

(Suneo, Gian and Shizu-chan is outside of Nobita's house complaining to Doraemon)
Doraemon: Nobita's cruel pranks? Of course...
Suneo: Heartless...He's bothering/annoying everyone.
Gian: If you don't hurry up and stop him, it's going to get worse.
(Doraemon is flying around the neighborhood, looking for Nobita)
Doraemon: I have to be the one to stop him. (he looks tired of being the one to always stop Nobita from his antics) There he is...stop!
(Nobita sticks out his tongue at Doraemon and pushes the remote at him. Doraemon is stuck in the air)
Doraemon: こうなっちゃうんだ。I get it.
(Nobita is chasing the kids with his remote)
Nobita: Look! Look! What button should I push?
Kids: STOP!!
(Doraemon lands infront of Nobita)
Nobita: You're so insistent. For the time being, I'll make you stop!!
(Nobita aims remote at Doraemon and pushes stop button but Doraemon holds up a mirror blocking him from Nobita)
Nobita (looking scared and the kids he was chasing earlier is walking up to him very angry while Doraemon walks away putting the remote back into his 4-D pocket): I CAN'T MOVE...!!

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