Sunday, September 27, 2009


Nobita is being scolded by his mom in the living room. Nobita looks depressed and his mom a bit disapointed but not freakin' out like she usually is.

Mom: Everytime is the same thing so you should already know. Why don't you have any motivation (to do well in school)? I really tell you this. When you use your brain, you'll begin to use it better. When you neglect it, it'll rust together and won't work.
Doraemon (outside overhearing the lecture): Sounds sad. Tonight is a particularly severe scolding.

Doraemon: It's finally over? That was long.
Nobita (looking exhausted): Two hours, 15 minutes, 59 seconds. Life is becoming awfully terrible.
Doraemon: It's not always the same. (working on a space pod)
Nobita (noticing): Hey, isn't that the Space Lifeboat that you are always making?
Doraemon: Yup. I neglected it and now it's rusted. That's why I have to repair it.
(leaving) I'm all done!
Nobita (still outside with the boat and thinking to himself): I should run away from home. (inside the ship) If I push this button, it can take me to another living star. (pushes button and ship flies away). Waa!! This has to be a joke. It seems like we will arrive at the target star. あっというまにwarped. I have landed so therefore I must be prepared. I think this planet will probably be easier to live on than Earth.

Nobita goes outside
Nobita: This planet looks a lot like Earth. It seem like the spitting image. (Walks around) This street is the spitting image of my street. (sees his front door and shocked). It's just like my door!!
(Nobita's mom comes out the door and runs towards him while Nobita runs away)
Mom: There you are. You are late.
Nobita (frightened): It looks just like Mom!! なんのこっちゃ!!Wasn't I not suppose to come back to Earth?
(Nobita in the house): Doraemon!! That machine is a fake! (no one). He's not here.
(At night in his bed): I went to all this trouble to run away from home. There's a test tomorrow. I want to skip school.

Next morning
Mom: Wake up!! You'll be late for school!!
(Suneo and Gian walk to school, Nobita following, looking down at the concrete, dejectly)
Suneo: I don't have complete confidence in today's test.
Gian: Me neither.
Suneo: But, if we get a bad grade, at least Nobita's will be worst (it actually のび太よりはましだと思えば気がらくさ. but from the looks of the pannel with Gian and Suneo laughing and Nobita with his mouth open and x's in his eyes, it seems like this is what they are implying.)
Teacher: The test will begin. This test is especially difficult.
Class: Huh? (The looks on their faces says WTF?)
Nobita (freaking out): I can do these hard problems...(looks at test)huh? What's this?
(the test consists of easy addition problems. Nobita is supposed to be in the 4th grade). Teacher must have made a mistake. These are first grade problems. (Finishes test. Teacher comes) Is this okay?
Teacher: Nobi-kun. This attitude just won't do. Even if you don't know the answer, you can at least try... (look at test and looks shocked) You finished?! 100 points!!
Class: Huh? (The looks on their faces says WTF?)
Shizu-chan: Congratulations on your hard work and studying.
Nobita (looking shocked as well): It was nothing.
(Outside of class)
Suneo: Lucky break.
Gian: Yeah.
(Back in class)
Teacher: Who can read this (points to the board. It's hiragana: はながさくことりがうたう)
Nobita (raises his hand): I can read it. "When flowers bloom, birds sing"
Class: Huh? (Sounds more like WTF?)
Shizu-Chan: It's great Nobita is becoming so smart.
Suneo: What's wrong here? It's as if you were unable to do things on purpose.
Gian: Yeah. This seems weird. Nevertheless, we are stupid.
Suneo: Please forgive us.

(At Nobita's house)
Mom: Show me today's test. (Angry) Another zero points!! If you keep neglecting your work, you'll only come to this!!
Nobita: Look at it.
Mom: Everytime I look at it, I see 0 points. (Looks at the test) 100 points!! (cries)
(Nobita's room)
Nobita: Everybody makes fun of me but they're not doing it. Why are they acting this way?
Voice outside of window: That house! That's Nobita's. I heard he's an amazing genius.
Nobita: I haven't been shown this much respect since I was born. Feels good, right. (Looks out window and another Nobita walking in the streets. They see each other anf freaks out.)
There's another me! (Runs outside)
Both Nobitas: Who are you? I'm Nobita.
Nobita #2: I ran away from home yesterday but I got hungry so I came home.
Nobita #1: So that's it! This resembles Earth but of course, this is the difference.
Nobita #2: You came from another universe?
Nobita #1: In this universe, elementary school is subtraction and addition, Middle school is multiplication and high school is division.
Nobita #2: Yeah. In your universe, you have to learn everything in elementary school? Your planet must be full of geniuses.
Nobita #1: Well, not to that extent...The more you use your head, the better you will use it. If you don't give up studying, you can be like me.
Nobita #2: Me be like you? It's impossible.
Nobita #1: Is it impossible? Aren't you me?
Nobita #2: If that is it, then I will try to able to do it.
Nobita #1: Try your best, me.

(Back in Nobita#1's backyard with the lifeboat and Doraemon)
Nobita: And that's why I came back. I will try hard with my studies from now on.
Doraemon: That's absolutely wondeful. The other Nobita will not lose and be persistent in his studies. (happy face)
(Nobita's room)
Nobita: I'm a genius so it's all good. (Lounges in his room, napping)
Doraemon: That's in the other world. I don't think you really understand this.


Monday, September 21, 2009

ドラえもん 翻訳



”巨大立体スクリーンの中へ” => "Inside the Gigantic 3D Screen"

Setting: Nobita, Gian and Shizu-chan are at Suneo's house watching his big screen TV.
Suneo: What do you think? It's a 40 inch big screen TV. Don't you think it's like the theatre's big screen?
Kids: Yeah
Suneo: You can't buy this but the preseident of Matsuue Electronics is Dad's friend and this was made especially for us.
After watching this, you don't want to watch your regular TV anymore.
It'll be like watching a toy. Hahaha.
(All the kids looks offended while Suneo talks)

(Kids walking home)
Gian (angry): If that's the case, our home TV are toys. Of course, you could ask Doraemon to take out a 100 inch one.
Nobita: Eeh. Stop there.
Suneo's pride is going to hook us one by one. There's no point.

(In Nobita's room, Doraemon has something big in his hand)
Nobita: What's that?
Doraemon: Super large screen 3D TV. Went to buy it at a place.
Nobita (big eyes): A super large screen 3D TV?!
Actually, I need to trouble you for something.
Doraemon: What?
Nobita: Gian's great (いっちゃったからな)
Doraemon: Strengths/forces differs.
(Puts together the TV. It's looks like the outside of the screen in a sticker/cardboard mode. Doraemon places it on one side of Nobita's room. He pushes a botton and the inside of the screen which was once just a hole becomes an actual screen. A godzilla/lizard creature appears and scares the crap out of Nobita and Doraemon.)
Nobita: Awesome!!
Doraemon: It looks real.
Nobita: I'ts really 3D. If we change positions, we can see different sides of the face. (running around the TV to show right side, left side of Godzilla's face)
(Watching Ultra-man/Kamen Rider like superhero fighting Godzilla)
Nobita and Doraemon: Fun. Fun.

Nobita: Let's watch another channel (changes channel).
Doraemon: Tsubasa-chan! (a pop singer). She's getting bigger (she's coming towards the TV therefore getting bigger).
Nobita: Aah! (screaming like a teenage fanclub and running towards the screen).
Doraemon: Hey! Be careful of not leaning in too far.
(Nobita leans in too far and falls into the screen on the other side)
Nobita: Hurry, hurry! (Trying to climb back to the other side with Doraemon trying to grab his hands. But Tsubasa-chan is 10 times his size and is walking over him, barely missing Nobita)
Nobita: Aaah! I'll be crushed/trampled. Help!
(Nobita grows back to regular size when the screen changes. Runs back to the other side)
Doraemon: The screen changed!
Nobita: Back home! (Runs out of the room) I'm going to show Shizu-chan this.

Nobita (on phone): A super large screen TV. What problems with Suneo is over.
Gian (on the other line with Suneo next to him): What? (looks angry)
Suneo: Is this for real?
Nobita (on the other line looking scared): Wrong number.
Doraemon: Stupid. You really are stupid.

(Gian and Suneo walking to Nobita's house)
Gian: What he said was proud. (more like "he sounds like he's full of it")
Suneo: What kind probelms did he said I have?
(At Nobita's doorstep)
Gian: I don't like liars.
Nobita: I'm not lying.
Suneo: (ゆるせない!!)(maybe, "I won't forgive" or "I don't believe"?)
Gian (grabbing Nobita's shirt): Give us the TV and we'll forgive you.

(Gian and Suneo running off back to Gian's home with the TV with satisfaction in thier face)
Gian: Let's watch "Fast Animal Land"
Suneo: Agreed.
(watching an elephant on TV with big smiles on thier faces)
Gian: Do you feel bad?
Suneo: Hmm. My regrets lost. Let's get in the screen (both gets in).
Gian's mother (comes into the empty room): Wow, what a large TV. Leaving an unwatch TV on makes electric bills difficult. (Turns off TV).

(Inside Animal Land)
Suneo: The exit is gone!!
Gian: What did you say?!
(both running around in hysterics and circles): What are going to do here?

(Back at Nobita's home with a very dejected Doraemon and Nobita)
Doraemon: I guess we have no choice but to endure the small TV.
Nobita: Fast Animal Land (Doraemon changes the channel)
(Sees Gian and Suneo getting chased by a Rhinoceros on the programme)
Gian and Suneo: HELP.
